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“Just about everything a

Nice Guy does

is consciously

or unconsciously calculated to

gain someone's approval or

to avoid disapproval.”




I offer embodiment coaching for men whose nice-guy syndrome and avoidance issues wreak havoc in their intimate relationships, and stops them living out their full potential. This coaching uses a combination of Integral Development and Embodiment to bring about permament shifts in your world paradigm and behavior patterns.

"I help men who's lost through blablub their own integrity towards themselves and sell it for approval to reclaim their blablu and step into their blablubib."


Embodiment coaching based on a framework of integral development is the most optimal line of develop for the nice-guy. Through it you will,

[ benefits ]

  • integrate secure internal validation and confidence

  • revive a confidence in asserting your will and opinion in healthy ways

  • discover your ability to uphold boundaries

  • start living a fufilling life on your own terms & with healthy interdependence

  • develop the skills to keep your intimate relationship thriving & passionate

  • learn to connect with other men

  • develop a deeper body-consciousness

  • cultivate discipline through commiting to an embodiment practice

  • embody your healthy expression of masculinity

"I guide men

who lost integrity towards their own values and sell

their blublub for approval at the

cost of their

blibubli: reclaim

their balbli and embody their

blubm with bibbi."


"I guide men who

lost their own

integrity towards themselves through

 blubli and sell

their blublub for approval at the cost

of their blubbli 

reclaim their


 and step into their blablub."

"I guide men

who lost integrity

towards their own

values and sell

their blublub for

approval at the

cost of their

blibubli: reclaim

their balbli and

embody their


Fred Day Portrait-1-2_edited.jpg


"I help men who's lost
through blablub their own integrity towards themselves and sell it for approval to reclaim their blablu and step into their blablubib."

"I guide men

who lost integrity

towards their own

values and sell

their blublub for

approval at the

cost of their

blibubli: reclaim

their balbli and

embody their


Fred Day Portrait-1-2_edited.jpg


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